XME Pay: redefining an
m-payments ecosystem

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XME Pay: redefining an
m-payments ecosystem Intesa Sanpaolo bank Share The human-centered approach is now central to the finance industry, as banks have become savvy in how to best connect to their customers’ needs and desires. As part of this trend, Intesa Sanpaolo asked Experientia to collaborate in the ideation and development of innovative features for […]

XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices

XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices Intesa Sanpaolo bank Share Analysis of the areas of overlap between welfare practices and insurance offering, up to the realization of a banking product able to enhance them both. 3 things to know Redefine the meaning of “insurance product” Research results allowed us to identify behavioral patterns […]

CSA: sentiment-based decision support platform for crypto-currency trading

Crypto Sentiment advisor platform

CSA, Sentiment-based decision support Platform for crypto-currency trading EIT Digital, European Research Project Share As a partner of the CSA-Crypto Sentiment Advisor (an EIT research project), Experientia co-designed a web-based dashboard to inform better decisions in the crypto market. Leveraging traders’ individual level of expertise, the solution aims to mitigate risk by using real-time community […]

BancoSmart, an award-winning ATM

BancoSmart, an award-winning ATM UniCredit Share The human-centered approach is now central to the finance industry, as banks have become savvy in how to best connect to their customers’ needs and desires. As part of this trend, global banking and financial services company UniCredit Bank asked Experientia to create a user-friendly, people-centered ATM – the […]

Banca 5, a new branchless bank model

Banca5, a new branchless bank model Intesa Sanpaolo bank Share Experientia conducted an analysis of everyday transactions in the tobacconist’s shop, and defined interfaces and processes for a new Point of Service (POS). 3 things to know When digital banking is not sufficient The main problem that big banks have today is to allow non-digital […]